Church has been cancelled two weeks in a row and we were sick the week before that, so I believe that makes us almost inactive :). We still have power and heat, no broken tree limbs, although a couple out front look suspicious. Large clusters of ice stalagtites hang from the eaves.
We had 8-9" piled up in the backyard by Saturday evening, then that night the freezing rain came. That added a layer of ice a little over a quarter inch thick on top of the snow, and this morning we've gotten another 3" or so on top of that. The first 9" were dry and powdery and thus has created large snow drifts in the roads and some yards where the snow just blew around and collected in mounds. All routes to the coast are closed, I think, and chains are required all around the Portland metro area.
This is me in the snow before the ice came...
The layer of ice that rested on top of the snow...
And today after the new snow fell: