It was a little while ago but on the 9th we went to a Weezer concert. A friend of ours found out about a deal for $10 tickets to the concert. We showed up on time but I quickly realized we should have showed up late. There was a band finishing up as we found some seats. We didn't sit in our assigned seats because we didn't buy tickets at the same time as our other friends who came.
Angels and Airwaves started playing we got excited. We had never even heard of the band but I hadn't been to a concert since highschool. One song sounded like the next and it got a little boring. We also had to move since the people who had the seats we were in showed up. We still had a prime spot though.
As Weezer started as some people were still showing up. We got kicked out of our seats again and decided to just go so high up in the Memorial colesum that no one would care. The view up there was actually better. Weezer was awesome. They played a lot of thier older songs that I know well and a bunch of new ones as well. At the end they had a bunch of local musicians play a few songs with them. We all really enjoyed Weezer but could have done without the Angels and Airwaves.