Today we went to Church in Amaralina. I saw a bunch of people that I knew when I was here 5 years ago. The stake president talked to me about having the ward do a service project at one of the places we are volunteering at. I told him that at CAASAH (the place that Megan works at with Children with HIV/AIDS) there were a lot of broken beds and dressers. He said that they could organize a service project to go over there and fix them. I'm supposed to check with them and then come to a meeting at the Church on Wednesday.
After Church we came home for lunch and then went out to visit a few people. We visited Dea at her house. Her brother showed up who is a musician. I suggested that he should play a show for us and he said he would once he gets back from a short tour. He is going to come here to our house and play for all the volunteers. Dea just finished a nursing program. She borrowed money for school from the Church's Prepetual Education Fund. She gets her Nursing card this week.
Then we visited Ariana. Her and her sister were home. We talked for a while. She is working for the cable company. She helps setup new accounts and stuff over the phone.
It was a busy day. Megan got to see one of the poorer areas of Salvador. We stuck out like a sore thumb. The bus on the ride back had some cockroaches inside and a few stops before we got off, this really drunk guy got on and was yelling and getting up and down. It was a little crazy.
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