Monday, August 24, 2009

Goodbye to Brindy

Friday I went backpacking with my brother and some of his friends. Megan helped her friend move so she took the dogs down to Corvallis for the night. I got home Saturday evening and 15 minutes later, Megan showed up to drop off the dogs before she was going to go help her friend unload the truck.

I heard Brindy barking so I came outside and saw Megan standing in the middle of the street and Brindy lying next to her. I ran out there and grabbed Karma and put her in her crate inside. Then I got a piece of wood to put Brindy on. Some guy (He might be our neighbor across the street) helped me put Brindy on the board and into the back of the Escape. We were both shaking. One of Brindy’s eyes was really red and swollen and she wasn’t really moving or making much noise.

As we drove to the vet, Megan told me that she had treats in her hand and let both dogs out of the crate. (Every other time they are so excited to get home, they run to the front door.) Across the street a girl was running. Brindy saw the runner and bolted out into the street after her. Brindy got hit by a white mini-van. The van pulled over and it had a “student driver” sign on the back. The runner was shaken up and apologizing and the instructor from the van ran out and apologized.

We got to our vet who isn’t very far away. It was closed so I called the number on the door. The message said if it was an emergency to go to the emergency vet clinic in Tualatin. I called to get directions and tell them we were coming. While we were driving, Megan sat in the back seat and petted Brindy. Brindy moved a little and was having some trouble breathing. We pulled up to the emergency vet and as we opened the back of the Escape, they came out with a cart and took Brindy inside.

They took an x-ray and the vet said it didn’t look like there were any broken bones but there was trauma to her head and one of her lungs and her diaphragm didn’t look normal. We said goodnight to her and went home. The vet called several times that night to give us updates. Her brain was swelling so the vet said she didn’t know if Brindy would make it through the night. At 8:45 am the vet called to let us know Brindy was in cardiac arrest and they were doing CPR. They asked if we wanted them to keep trying and Megan said they could stop. The vet said that there was probably too much trauma to the brain and she wasn’t able to control her breathing and heart beat anymore. We picked her up around noon and I buried her in the back yard behind the shed.

It was a tough day. Brindy was my first dog even though she was more Megan’s dog than mine. Before Brindy, I never liked dogs. I was bit by a dog when I was in middle school. She did bark a lot but she was always happy and really loved us. It was so fun how excited she would get when we came home from a trip and she hadn’t seen us in a while. Or when she’d work her way onto our laps and try and get us to pet her. She was 2 and a half years old and she will be greatly missed.


Jennifer said...

I'm sorry you guys =( That's really sad. She was a cute puppy.

jskelly said...

I'm so sorry about your puppy. . that is so sad.

Marty and Jenny said...

awwww. How awful. How is Megan holding up? Hugs and Love to both of you!

Kelly said...

SO very sad....