Monday, September 28, 2009

Change of Plan...

So I’ve decided to change blogs. If you haven’t heard by now, there is no more Scott and Megan. We have been officially divorced since the end of July. I don’t want to go into detail since this is a public forum but if you have questions about it feel free to email me. I’m not afraid to talk about it.

In an effort to turn over a new leaf and move on, I have started a new blog to replace this one. If you’d like to keep updated on what I’m up to, check out my new blog at

For those of you that have listened, given advice, a hug, or just cared during this difficult time I sincerely thank you.

1 comment:

Marty and Jenny said...

I really am sorry Scott. As you know, and as Megan knows, you are a great guy! They don't come any better than you! Well unless there was a you that enjoyed board games :) I'm glad we can keep in touch via Blogger and look forward to your new blog. love you! --Jenny and Marty